Rodents: Mice and rats both look to nest in a shelter for the winter. Once they do, they can breed quickly.
Cockroaches: Roaches prefer warm and humid environments, so the warmth of your home is very inviting.
Spiders: Many spiders can survive a freeze on their own, but they are driven indoors in search of bugs to eat that may be seeking shelter in your home!
Stink Bugs:The biggest problem with stink bugs is that your heater may trick them into thinking that it’s spring already, and they’ll become active. They’re harmless, but the smell they produce when disturbed can be a nuisance.
Many people tend to believe that they should “pause” their quarterly pest control in the winter. It is easy to think all has died off and we can pick back up in the spring. Well, as much as we wish this were true, its not. Just as we are seeking the warm shelter of our home, some critters and insects are too! In fact, some pests like cockroaches, pharaoh ants and spiders are more prominent in the winter months and search for warmth inside homes to ensure their survival. Rodents are also more of a problem in the colder months as they are trying to stay warm.
Read More...As we get further into fall and the air gets a little more crisp, some pests around your home are seeking shelter for the winter!
Read More...It may seem tempting to pause your pest control service as the colder months come along and you aren't seeing as many bugs around, but in the world of pest control - there is still a lot to do! Invasive pests and rodents want to be inside your warm home or business for the same reason you do. While some bugs are slowing down after summer, others are just getting started and are looking for a warm place to multiply and grow.
Read More...While bugs are not something we enjoy finding in our homes, they are usually not out to get you! They are looking for a warm shelter to spend the winter. The best way to keep them out would be to seal up any cracks or holes they could enter through, but this still may not keep your home 100 percent bug proof!